With Debbie Chilton

Author and Poet

Friday, September 9, 2011

Written on a dare!

The true state of Queensland Health
A patient was rushed into emergency,
One look at her told me she needed heart surgery,
She laid there still looking very grey,
If we didn’t find a theatre she wouldn't live beyond a day.

She looked such a pitiful sight,
I knew things with this patient weren’t quite right,
The only sound from her I could hear,
Was her gristly grasp for air.

Having paged the surgeon,
To find her next of kin was urgent,
When I asked her name the staff all looked at me,
Do you not recognize it is Queensland Health that you see.

We’ve know for years of her heart failure,
And cause numerously warnings of the dangers,
She insisted on working under distress,
Refusing to acknowledge her internal system was in a mess.

We warned her about her daily habits,
The impending direct havoc about to sweep,  
The long hours and lack of sleep,
No knowing when she’d get a bit to eat.

No ones system can be sustained,
Placed under constant stress and strain,
All night surgeries trying to minimize patient waiting times,
The government gave no thanks, demanding more for the same dimes.

Her hand was forced after long hours trying to balance the books
She had to close down wards and to axing staff hours she took,
Staff falls due to carrying to heavy paper loads increased,
And computer systems which received no upgrades just ceased.

Frankly we may be in the business of saving lives,
But I hold great fears that Queensland Health has used her nine lives.
The surgeon arrived and held his breath, it best you say your good byes,
If only she let us operate while still time instead of asking why.

So they wheeled her into theatre and made their first insertion,
But blood oozed from every where to continue seemed the wrong decision,
It was time to break the news, she must of been bleeding internally for days,
There was simply nothing we could do with Queensland Health there are too many delays.

Debbie Chilton, Copyright 2011
All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

A Play On Words!

Is that all you see my friend,
Such a small part of me,
Is that really all you can see?

Can you see this my friend?
When you chose to see
Every part of me!

So you see my friend,
What disability?
All I sense are my abilities!

Disability you say,
What about how to overcome,
Them I say,
All I see is a few hurdles in the way.

Nothing that can’t be removed,
Nothing too hard my abilities can’t improve,
They told me once the ‘right way’ things are done,
But I’ll telling you theres more ways to do things than one.  

Some may have a hissy fit,
At the way I make a fix,
What does it matter if it don’t look right?
As long as I try with all my might.

Debbie Chilton (c) Copyright 2011
All rights reserved

Australian Poetry Week - SHARE IT!


I may have a disability,
But let’s focus on ABILITIES!
My would contains many gems,
So let me share a few of them.

To fight for those who can’t speak,
To look for answers they can’t seek,
To be a voice through my pen,
By spilling out my little gems.

I look at the world with different eyes,
To share my secrets with the unwise,
To learn to laugh, love and play,
To plan adventures for future days!

To challenge that of status quo,
To laugh even when I’m feeling low,
To inspire people to dream,
Challenging them to swim up stream,

To show the world a different way,
Inviting them to come and play,
Although I need to bend the rules,
I too can play to secure my jewels.

Ok so my gems may differ,
And you play a little quicker,
I can still win this game of life,
Gaining my piece of paradise,