With Debbie Chilton

Author and Poet

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Poet missing in action

Reclaiming Life . . .

So I spent the last 4 months loafing around, reading books, watching tv and sleeping a lot. So I have decided to decicated the next two months to friends, family, food, and fun as I regain my strength and spirit of adventure.

The truth is most of the last 4 months was spent in hospital, somewhere between conscious and unconsciousness. Most days the muscle relaxant I need knock me out for 1hr.  That makes a lot of lost hours over 4 months.  While I feel stronger and I home again coping quiet well, no body goes through a period like that and isn’t left weaken.

I still need to return to hospital at the end of August. So over the next 2 months I will be going to physio and seeing an OT to regain strength and functioning.  I also think I need some quality me time and catch up with friends instead of trying to take 10 different challenges on at once is important in my recovery.

I also have a holiday booked in Sept so fingers crossed I will be well enough to go.  Can’t wait actually, to make some new friends, have meals cooked for me, enjoy some adventures and fun times. 

So October like seems a good time to aim for coming back to work and writing commitments, although this will look very different,  and I will be reducing my commits and work hours to avoid a repeat performance.  As to what that will look like I have no idea, as a said its a prefect time to take stock, and reclaim what matters to me the most.

Looking forward to seeing my readers soon.