Rubble lies in waste
of war torn Iraq,
shattered faces
filled the streets of Baghdad,
Children now play in
the piles of rubble,
the sounds of war,
broken their ‘peace bubble’.
Scurrying through
bricks and mortar melted in tar,
for treasures that
may take them both near and far,
Like the big red
wagon with its busted wheels,
to a land of freedom
their spirit yields.
At alas this is their
homeland which for many holds pride,
hidden in the rubble
for their mothers they cry,
This is the homeland
which now holds their papas,
as the play in the
rubble now lit by the stars.
Perhaps the wheels of
the wagon can be amends,
and the works of
their family toils to market they can send.
Debbie Chilton ©
Copyright 2013